Alexander Istad present:
A crazy and explosive new children's book.
This is the fist book in a series about
The Dynamite Dudes.
Cappelen Damm is the publisher.
Marianne Kaurin and Ina Vassbotn Steinman is the world's best editors and they are doing a phenomenal job with getting the authors crazy ideas into a great book.
The fist book is in the bookstores in Norway already and the second book is under production.
The first book sold out within a week and ended up on the bestseller lists.
Espen Meling Sele is this, and every other known universe, best illustrator. He has been relentless in putting "ink" on every page of the book, and he is doing an unbelievable job of getting the authors ideas into reality.
We are looking forward to share this mad world with you.
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Photo by: Maria Kleppe Vihovde / Cappelen Damm
Alexander about
The Dynamite Dudes:
On vacation in a country far, far away, I needed a good story. The children were going to bed, and we had no books to read.
Together, a small family of four created their first amazing tale. We sketched and drew along the way, and in the end, we had a nice little "desert island" adventure.
Something was ignited inside me.
I had to write.
The stories that were swirling in my head had to come out.
The Dynamite Dudes were an idea that had emerged in this first book, and it turned out that there was a vast universe ready to be explored.
Buy the book here:
Photo by: Maria Kleppe Vihovde / Cappelen Damm
Book Preview
The first book in a fun and wacky series!
The book is easy to read and fully illustrated, perfect for readers who enjoy 'The Treehouse' books.
Alex, Nikk, and Proffen live in Ålesund with a mom who sews Sunnmøre bunads and a dad whose job is to clean seagull droppings in the town square. They go to the world's best school with the world's best principal, and life is actually pretty good.
One day, when they arrive at school, the principal announces that he's going on a long vacation with his husband. But the kids don't need to worry! He has hired a really good substitute principal named Lars-Rune Simonsen.
The Dynamite Dudes aren't exactly thrilled to have a substitute, but they agree that their kind principal deserves a vacation. It doesn't take long before strange things start happening at the school. The teachers behave oddly, almost like robots.
The children stop laughing and playing during recess. The Dynamite Dudes even spot an 8-year-old reading The Financial Times! Something is seriously wrong.
The boys decide to take matters into their own hands, but it turns out to be easier said than done. Who is following them through the streets of Ålesund? What is really happening at the school? And what happens when one of the brothers disappears without a trace?
With the help of an old map of Ålesund's underground tunnel system, the chemistry set they got for Christmas, and Nikk's large online following, The Dynamite Dudes unravel a conspiracy that is bigger and more dangerous than they could have imagined.